Friday, June 4, 2010

Week in review

1.  This week was *supposed* to be Vegan Week in the Jennings house.  We wanted to try eating vegan for one week to see what it would be like for our little family.  We made it until Wednesday when I said, "You know what sounds good?  Pizza."  And that was the end of Vegan Week.

2.  Parenting a toddler is quite the adventure.  Jack's been testing the waters lately to find out how serious we are.  It's more important than ever that we are consistent and both on the same page.  Jack does really well when given options ("What should we do first-brush your teeth or put on your pajamas?") and takes pride in having a little bit of responsibility (i.e. being in charge of our shopping bags until we check out).  I momentarily forgot these things on Wednesday and ended up walking a screaming toddler out of Target.  

3.  I don't plan to go back to Pizza Hut anytime soon.  There are several reasons why going there this week (see items #1 and #2) was a horrible idea.  After waiting over 45 minutes for our pizza (I could make one from scratch in less time), our family was pretty much in shambles.  I hadn't brought any activities for Jack (mistake #27) and he decided that the phrase, "Please use your inside voice" actually meant shriek louder.  

4.  On a much more positive note, my niece, Grace, turned two yesterday.  Two years ago, our lives were forever changed when the adoption agency called my sister-in-law to say they had a brand new baby girl.  Seth & Sonya were holding Grace by the time she was 11 hours old.  You don't forget a day like that. 

5.  We got to hang out with some sweet friends tonight, the Bartons and the Rippkes.  We are blessed to know some really great people.  

6.  I made an amazing discovery in the way of stain removal this week.  For now, I will just say solar power.  More on that later.  

7.  Tomorrow marks six years of marriage for us.  Man, that's crazy.  I was just a kid back then (I turned 20 a few weeks before our wedding) and have changed so much since then.  But I am so thankful that I've had Jeremy beside me through all the changes.  Jeremy challenges me but shows me grace when I blow it.  He makes me laugh daily, and he's a really good listener.  We've been through some pretty big ups and downs together, and he knows me better than anyone.  I'm excited to see what the next six years will hold in store!

Maybe by then we'll be ready to go back to Pizza Hut.  

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