Sunday, August 22, 2010

Zion Thomas Lorntson

This was going to be a blog about how much better everyone has been sleeping in our house.  And I was going to write about how well we've been adjusting to three kids in our house during the weekdays.  Or about baking a cake to celebrate (barely) surviving our latest financial crisis.

But none of that matters to me anymore.  If you're looking for a lighthearted read tonight, this isn't the blog post for that.  I sit here tonight with a very heavy heart.

As many of you know, my brother (Seth) and his wife (Sonya) were nearly 27 weeks along in their pregnancy with a baby boy.  It was a high-risk pregnancy, as they lost their first son (Elijah) at 22 weeks due to pre-eclampsia.  (They adopted Grace six months after losing Elijah)  We knew the stakes were high, but Sonya had been closely monitored all throughout this pregnancy and everything had been going perfectly.  Her last appointment was just on Thursday and there was nothing of concern.  She's had regular ultrasounds to check growth, clotting, etc.  All normal.  By this point, we all thought that if something happened, they would just immediately deliver the baby and he'd have a great chance of survival.

When Sonya called me yesterday at 6:56 pm with the words, "I have bad news,"  I started crying immediately because I knew she would never use those words unless it was serious.  Really serious.  She told me that they had come to the hospital in Waterloo (they had been visiting her parents for the weekend) because she was in pain.  When they arrived they discovered her baby had no heartbeat and was gone.  Gone?  That's it?  How could he be gone?  Can't they do an emergency c-section?  He was just kicking and moving hours before!  There must be some mistake.  This can NOT be happening again.  
I was now sobbing (while driving).  She told me that they were inducing labor and now they would just wait to deliver their baby boy.  Dear God, please don't let this happen again!  We've been here before and it's just too painful!

"But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness..." 2 Corinthians 12:9a

Zion Thomas Lorntson was born this morning at 6:21 am, weighing 2.21 pounds, measuring 13.5 inches long. He now rests in the arms of Jesus, and for that, we rejoice.  I so desperately wanted to see him and hold him and kiss him, but I will have to wait for that reunion later.  Apparently, the placenta became clotted and abrupted from the side of the uterus, causing his stillbirth.  Sonya's blood pressure also became elevated, showing signs of pre-eclampsia.  They will stay in the hospital in Waterloo until her blood pressure stabilizes, Monday night at the earliest.

Right now, I'm thinking about this little girl who lost her baby brother.

And I'm thinking about Jack, who lost his would-be buddy.

And I'm thinking about my parents, who have now watched their son lose two sons.

And I'm thinking about my brother that was so excited to have a son to play with.  And teach.  And build things with.

And I'm thinking about Sonya, who knows Zion better than anyone on this earth.  And has been caring for him for months.  And has had to go through labor and delivery twice, but never experienced the incredible joy that comes at the end of it.

I don't understand any of it.  We're all pretty numb, and Seth and Sonya are still in a state of shock.  Less than 48 hours ago they were gathered around, watching him kick and move.  And now he's gone.  It's pretty shocking.  The next few days and weeks are going to be incredibly difficult for them, and I know the pain will never fully cease in this lifetime.  Please keep them in your prayers.  Please take a minute to write them an encouraging note.  Grace is staying with us for the time being, and I'm trying to coordinate meals to bring to them when they come home.  Please let me know if you are interested in helping minister to them in this way.

"For you created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother's womb.  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.  My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place.  When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body.  All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."  Psalm 139:13-16


  1. Oh, Amanda. My heart is just breaking for ALL of you. I'm praying for Seth and Sonya. They are blessed to have close family there to support them right now. I'm so sorry.

  2. Seth and Sonya, please take care of each first and the rest will follow. I wish we were physically closer and could offer you more than positive energy and prayers. There were some tiny miracles yesterday. Zion reminded us all that families are stronger when they stand close and there will always be grief before healing and then joy and contentment. Thank you Amanda for taking care of brother and Sonya, for comforting your parents, and for loving little Grace like one of your own.
